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About Quercetin:

Quercetin is a phytochemical that is part of the coloring found in the skins of apples and red onions. It has been isolated and is sold as a dietary supplement.

In the Body:

Quercetin is a powerful antioxidant. It is also a natural anti-histamine, and anti-inflammatory. Research shows that quercetin may help to prevent cancer, especially prostate cancer.

Why Use It:

Quercetin's antihistamine action may help to relieve allergic symptoms and asthma symptoms. The anti-inflammatory properties may help to reduce pain from disorders such as arthritis. Men who are concerned about prostate problems would also benefit from quercetin. Quercetin may also help reduce symptoms like fatigue, depression and anxiety.

Where To Find Quercetin:

To get more quercetin, you can increase your intake of apples and red onions, which will improve your diet. If you want more quercetin, you can take it as a dietary supplement.

Dis fruits are Sooo delicioussss.....nyummmy3..... hihihi
